Sunday, 26 October 2014

3 tips to keep Google Adwords scripts MCC Accounts | Digitalpugsppc

There are more unnamed scripts than named ones. You may start to think it’s an allegory for your life. Maybe you should bring that up with your therapist next time. That’s always the problem with any system that grows up organically over time. If you’re not careful, you will end up with something that is impossible to maintain. Tomorrow, you come into work and a script breaks in one of your 300+ accounts. You have no idea how to find it. Logging in and out of accounts can eat up hours of your time in a week. But you can stop (or at least slow) the process with a little bit of vigilance and planning. Today, I’ll walk through three techniques you can use to help lower the long-term maintenance of scripts in your accounts.

 Gather Your Existing Scripts MCC Accounts

If you were developing scripts before the advent of MCC scripts, you probably have the same script copied into multiple accounts. Of course, that means you also have the same bug copied into multiple accounts as well. Bringing scripts like this into the MCC level means that there is a single piece of code to look at when debugging an issue.
Here is some generic code you can use at the MCC level to start running your scripts across multiple accounts using labels.

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His code will run through all your accounts and search for the ones labeled with the name used in the SCRIPT_LABEL variable. When you schedule this script to run daily, it will process all accounts with that label up to MAX_ACCOUNTS, which is the maximum number of accounts you can run the executeInParallel() function on.

Create A Test MCC Away From Your Main MCC

I think the best way to keep your production accounts safe from script bugs is to open a brand new MCC account and create test accounts underneath it.

Since most of my stuff is pretty experimental, most of my accounts are test accounts. This set of test accounts and the MCC is where you will do all of your experimenting and testing for new scripts.

Create A Code Review Process
The idea is similar to having someone else proofread your writing. Since they are unfamiliar with the writing and topic, they will be objective and find issues or code bugs that you may have missed.
I recommend that before you move any code from your test accounts into your main MCC, you find someone in your company to sit with and walk through how your code works and what the code looks like.

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